when you don't like someone but don't know why

Without having to figure out why. Tags. I just dont understand why Im so easily forgotten about. We often project feelings out onto the world that are actually a reflection of how we feel internally. I started in with more self talk like, This wont kill you, Grace, just buck up and do this. They always try to bring you down 9. You know what you want and dont let anyone take advantage of you. Synonyms for Don't know. (People assume a guy doesn't really like a girl if he doesn't talk to her, but sometimes that could just mean he's very nervous to talk to YOU but has no trouble talking to other girls. You tell me that you want me, then cut me down. The moment someone starts bitching to you about a mutual acquaintance, you feel the rage bubbling up inside of you. But at the same time, they are much more difficult to take advantage of. All Rights Reserved | Contact Us | Advertise | Privacy Policy, 20 Reasons Why You Dont Like People (+ What To Do About It), Speak to an accredited and experienced therapist to help you find ways to like people more and build meaningful relationships. Benching. Yeah, me too. If you look at the person you're dating at a party and often feel resentful, embarrassed, or even just worried about what they're saying, you're not as into it as you think. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. While this attitude is powerful, it can be easily misunderstood and push people away. Since introverts and extroverts have different perspectives, they view each other as different and thus might be naturally predisposed to dislike one another when they first meet. We open our mouth only when we have something meaningful to say. She went on to briefly explain that this was the same way she lives her life. If the answer is no, you're likely more friends than lovers.". PostedFebruary 6, 2020 6) Making a new friend. Dont strive to become someone you are not terrible things happen when an introvert tries to make themselves into a social butterfly. Sudden Repulsion Syndrome is your body coming to its senses. Rejection stings, especially when you have no idea what went wrong. I see this person in my social sphere of acquaintances only occasionally, and I am uncomfortable with this person always. Have you ever looked at the person you're dating, and suddenly had a moment of clarity where you realized that you didn't actually feel as strongly for them as you thought? Whats more, you find other people who feel good about themselves hard to bear. Well, I say you probably shouldn't be dating someone long-term if the length or their hair or beard makes a substantial difference in how you feel towards them. "Delight in it. Additionally, once a first impression is formed, people are less likely to change their minds due to the psychological principle of consistency. should I change?, no, you have given me a clear vision people will not like or their ego is hurt when we tell them the reality. This is because as an outspoken person, you know the real value of words. At first, I thought that was good. verbs. You can search for things like some quirky hobby, a compelling personal story, an . You resent their cheerfulness and even wish bad things upon them just to bring them down to where you are. As she spoke, I felt myself releasing something Id been holding on to way too tightly. Thus, if people dont like you, it could be because you are not convenient for them. 6. Simple. Family, friends, even strangers told me how beautiful I was and treated me so well. Extroverts are often caught off guard. With these tools, you should be able to build and maintain at least some relationships with people whose presence in your life you will value. I suppose because I chose to avoid getting married and cant afford nice things or to buy a home. Unless you're polyamorous or non-monogamous, perhaps the clearest sign you just don't feel the way about them anymore is when the idea of them being in a relationship with someone else doesn't bother you or maybe it even fills you with relief, as Alessandra Conti previously told Elite Daily. #8 nobody has common sense and dont notice youre super amazing. It's you who thinks they're not good enough. I tick at least 3 of types on your list. If you want more, grab a subscription for unlimited reads for $10/year (normally, it's 48/year, and the discount ends soon). Shy people often like others and long for their . Surely there are better things to talk about? Its the opposite of being a people-pleaser. phrases. Tell me why (Why) I had spent so much time alternately defending my gut/heart intuition about this person and then swinging back to, Why are you being so unreasonably, effing judgy, Grace! Have you ever had this experience? This also meant I wasnt very available for socializing, which was why we were there in the first place. It grew even stronger throughout the eveningto the point that I started doing my mind-escape thing of going to my happy place inside to get away from them and the situation. When the pent-up frustration reaches a certain point, the frustrated introvert may explode with a litany of past transgressions. When they are trying to avoid it with excuses, you may become pretty harsh with them. There are few crueler forms of emotional torture than unreciprocated love. You will only say the things you truly mean. The most Breathtaking Description of Death I have ever Heard. That way, you can nip this in the bud before it goes past the point of working out. They askquestions that are way too personal,and I find myself in a constant, tacit struggle with them to redirect the conversation to something less personal without seeming rude. Me me me! And Ive always taught all my students to honor that feeling in themselves. I write real and fictitious stories about life, issues, love, loss, g, Michelle Schafer is a woman and mother of two incredible humans. When their need ends so do the phone calls. antonyms. You are right, there may be countless reasons why people dont like someone because this person is annoying, selfish, jealous, etc. Perhaps they only want to date around and not be serious. Or, at least, that is the conclusion you reach after reading bad news story after bad news story. Here are two ways you can tell if a smile is fake: The smile doesn't reach their eyes. While this attitude is powerful, it can be easily misunderstood and push people away. A more subtle sign, however, is that even when you introduce your partner and your family and friends say they like them, you don't believe it. If you cant get on with people you wont get on. Their opinions matter to you If you suspect it could be the latter, experts say it's time to start paying attention for additional signs that point in the right direction. Why have I been disrespecting the use of that heart-centered approach to the feelings I get from otherpeople? I never knew anyone else could think and know these things. Highly intelligent people may be labeled as snobs or weirdos while in reality, others just cant understand them. I've always been ambitious and moved quickly, and I felt that being with someone slower might help balance me out. If you worry that your friends and family secretly don't think they're good enough for you, even if they say otherwise, you're probably projecting. Attraction is all about scent, so if their breath frequently smells bad to you even when they practice good dental hygiene, it's another sign something about your chemistry is off. "Whereas arms that are open or placed in a . Knowing how introverts and extroverts view each other provides an explanation as to why you may not like someone after you first meet them. If you're wondering it, you probably already have decided they aren't and are just feeling guilty about admitting it. One has to like and be liked to get on in Life. They try to exclude you from the group 8. My Ex Wants To Get Back Together. If you're focusing a ton of energy on helping them get their life together, you might think you're super in love and committed. They don't seem to care much about your health. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. It seems unfair to both you and the other person if you stay together without, well wanting to stay together. Without trust, you will find it hard to get to know someone, and if you cant get to know someone, how can you expect to like them? You are not afraid to stand out of the crowd, and Im not talking about things like dying your hair blue. If you feel like you're losing control, give yourself space right away. What is surprisingly more difficult to spot, however, are the signs that you just don't like someone as much as you think you do. Theres a part of you that believes that if people saw the real you, they wouldnt like it. Emotionally Unavailable. By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. "If we're together in March, we should go to Montreal," "If we end up together, we should live in a cabin." Now of course, it's okay to say "I don't like it" It's simple, it's direct and it communicates your message clearly but there are lots of different situations where that might sound a little rude or a little too direct. However, that's not realistic. I also think your list highlights the problems with society and Democracy in particular. Everything you wrote described me, my thought process, how I feel and my experience like that was amazing to read. But then again, you might feel great and not lonely at all. How to Handle People Who Are Eternally Evasive, Mass Shooters and the Myth That Evil Is Obvious, Transforming Empathy Into Compassion: Why It Matters. And you cant help but think that everyone must be like this other than you. Or maybe you experienced a traumatic life event involving a person inflicting physical and/or emotional harm upon you. Every time you read, share, comment or heart you help an article improve its Ratingwhich helps Readers see important issues & writers win $$$ from Elephant. I don't know who would do this and why but THIS isn't me, I'm sure that was obvious due to the freshness of the account, the username is missing a Dash, and no profile picture. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It just means your attraction isn't strong enough. Psychology Today 2023 Sussex Publishers, LLC. You just can't see how you could ever like someone who does such idiotic things. Thank you for this article. They want to hold your hand, hug you, and kiss you. Obviously, always being angry is a clear sign that things aren't working. It's no secret that we find it easier to relate to people who are similar to us. Such a tendency can serve as a filter through which a persons future words and actions are judged. Administrators make big bucks. And so you dont make many friends, and you tend to drift apart from those you do make. They have a good relationship with their brother but your's is estranged. You know when someone means what they say and when its just fake nicety. Im talking about having the courage to hold your ground and to have an unpopular opinion. If this is resonating with you, it may be time to think about what steps you want to take next. When to walk away. It might just be time to refocus on improving the areas of the relationship that might be making you feel this way. Be an adult!. If that doesn't work, you can figure out ways to distance yourself or end the friendship. Strong people also tend to hide their emotions as they often regard them as a weakness. Welcome to elephant's ecosystem. See them again? If you're forced to interact with them, be honest about your feelings and let them know their behavior bothers you. But, all the points raised in this article do apply to me. r/DeathBattleMatchups . After all, no one likes to be challenged or feel intellectually inferior. Wonderful article, thank you, but would you be willing to correct this false statement? Sure, it's normal to have your preferences, and wanting someone to have a sense of style is a totally legitimate thing to want in a partner. Breadcrumbing. If someone you know refuses an alcoholic drink, it's not your business to ask why - they don't need to give a reason. I have five out of the six personality traits mentioned. Forced communication will only bring you unhappiness and overwhelm. Men tend to express affection for a woman by engaging in good-natured physical activities. Its been depressing me as I always wonder why people seem to avoid me now. You may want to try speaking to one via BetterHelp.com for quality care at its most convenient. to get two free reads: 4 Ways to do Psychedelics like a Buddhist . Learning Mind has over 50,000 email subscribers and more than 1,5 million followers on social media. thesaurus. To you, they feel smug and self-righteous and this annoys the hell out of you. I have been a loner for so long even when i am with people in a crowd i still feel alone. If you dislike people, you dont allow them in. Speak to an accredited and experienced therapist to help you find ways to like people more and build meaningful relationships. You may default to disliking people because you have had to deal with very unlikable people in your past. High-fives will not happen. 1 It can be normal at times, but it can also be a sign of a mental health condition when it is excessive and affects a person's ability to function normally in daily life. She nodded in understanding, and in a serious voice, said, Yes, everyone does. You want to like people (some people), but cant seem to find the right types of people to be friends with. The differences in their worldviews can cause social discomfort. Its a huge bummer for everyone involved because it means you might have to start asking yourself some tough questions. Before casually rejecting them, ask yourself why you want to reject them. Its our unfortunate natural tendency to perceive things and people we dont understand in a negative light. Maybe as an empath, I am picking up on some of their unrelated and deeply buried wounds that have nothing to do with me. At a early age growing up in a large family we were all raised with out any morals or values it wasnt until my 30s that i searched and found that i was of different moral character then my parents and siblings and very strong willed is not a winning trait among them or my friends from my childhood. Humans are social animals. Too much interaction leads to emotional exhaustion also known as the introvert hangover. Its a powerful quality in todays conformist world and you should cherish it. The feeling that you love someone but don't necessarily like them at times isn't limited to a relationship with a spouse or partner. synonyms. In fact, there may be some reasons behind it that reveal powerful qualities of your personality. A professional can also provide some tools that you can use to challenge some of the reasons listed above. If you are this kind of person, it can also mean that you have high expectations of others. When you heart, comment or share, the article's "Ecosystem" score goes uphelping it to be seen by more readers & helping the author to get paid. Im in my early 40s and have been dealing with these feelings since I graduated high-school. The slow fade. Extroverts see the pause in the conversation, finish the other persons sentence, and continue the conversation, leaving the introvert frustrated and unheard. Tell Them The Exact Reasons. Does this mean that this personthe catalyst of this whole queryis a bad person? Even if I'm doing 'nothing in particular', that is something. But you can do this. What's wrong is staying with someone when you feel this way, because even if you think you're hiding it well, trust me, they can feel it. We receive a commission should you choose to make a purchase after clicking on them. But if you never seem to really have a stake in a fight, that can also be a sign that you're just not that emotionally invested in the relationship. It was exactly what I needed to read to draw me out of the depths of despair. Also Try: Should I Tell Him I Like Him Quiz 16. Talk longer? If someone makes you feel anything less than totally hot, that's a problem. These are some of things I think I dislike about it: 1. Again, there's nothing inherently wrong about feeling this way. You ask me for my love, then you push me around. Of course, when it comes to these lessons, you can read all the articles you want, but there is often no way to go but through. You shouldn't be arguing all the time, but when you do, I think it's a good sign when things sometimes get heated and aired, so long as you try to fight fair. Being chided. Just trust that feeling anyway and stay away from that person and tell someone they trust about that feeling.. It hides so much more depth. And from there, I began to feel childish and dysfunctional. He only pays attention to them, not to me He doesn't even want to because he doesn't like me They could remind of a time you fucked up, of an abusive past, etc. I dont know how to react to this post. So, we polled experts on the most common reasons for ghosting. Indeed, shy people will often push others away, sometimes with great rudeness, not because they don't like them but because they find interacting with them stressful and exhausting. Copyright 2023 Waylon H. Lewis Enterprises. Things never got too heated, and at first, I took this as a good sign. This person appears to be nice, polite, funny and well adjusted. It's only natural. When someone doesn't like you for no reason Well, you think there's no reason but really there is. It could be that you refuse to conform to other peoples expectations of you. Acknowledge where they're right and add something to it. We're dedicated to sharing "the mindful life" beyond the core or choir, to all those who don't yet know they give a care. People lack discrimination and vote on their feelings rather than the facts about a canditate do they have integrity, have they demonstrated statesmanship, strength of character are they qualified? They also dont easily conform to the unwritten social rules and want to delve into the essence of things instead of settling for superficiality. Thank you f for the article. I was with a guy who didn't like going down on me much, and as a result, I started thinking there was something wrong with me, even though everyone before him had been a fan. So the conclusion could be that it is the World that is at fault: its standards dont come up to mine. If there is one thing you dislike more than small talk, its gossip. But even though people can fake a smile and ta. But as we kept ending up in the same "discussion," without any feeling of catharsis or change after it was over, I came to realize something was off. 10 Tips To Help You Deal With Loss Of Independence, 14 things confident people do (but never talk about), 30 Good Excuses To Get Out Of Something (That Are Believable), 7 Reasons You Hate Socializing (+ How To Approach This Situation), 10 Reasons To Keep Going (Even When You Feel Like Giving Up), 20 Signs You Have An Endearing Personality, 12 Things Disciplined People Do That Bring Them Success, Copyright A Conscious Rethink. For a woman by engaging in good-natured physical activities understand why Im so easily about. Someone they trust about that feeling find it easier to relate to people who feel good about hard! On social media Making you feel the rage bubbling up inside of you about themselves hard to bear followers..., people are less likely to change their minds due to the feelings I get from otherpeople tendency can as. 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when you don't like someone but don't know why