social structure apush

Territorial boundaries delineate these places and are defined by rules of property that determine the use and possession of scarce goods. B) radicals replaced moderates as the dominant Republican faction in Congress. After the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), the Portuguese set up trading posts along the African coast and forcibly extracted slave labor for trade to the Americas. D) the Supreme Court ruled in Ex parte Milligan that military tribunals could not try civilians. B) land for former slaves. Both immigrants and American citizens were drawn to the West in search of new opportunities and a chance to start a new life. C) dismissal of Secretary of War Stanton contrary to the Tenure of Office Act. As a nurse in the poor sections of New York City, she had seen the suffering caused by unwanted pregnancy. The Black Codes provided for all of the following except ", Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Chapter 4: American Life in the Seventeenth C, Godwinam CH.4 American Life in the 17th Centu. Much like in Period 2, enslaved individuals took part in both covert and overt forms of resistance within the dehumanizing system of slavery that white enslavers increasingly attempted to justify on moral grounds. matrilineal. In 1972, members of the movement organized a march on Washington D.C. in the form of what they called the, Finally, in 1973, AIM members occupied the Native American community of. Henan Province is an important economic province and a major grain producing and energy consumption area, and its land use plays a key role in the sustainable development of the The estimated service life of the equipment is 10 years and the estimated residual value is$5,000. D) punishment of blacks for idleness They wanted more autonomy and control over their own regions and by the early 1820s, most countries were independent B) Arkansas. C) guaranteed freed slaves the right to vote. Full Professor Emeritus, Ohio State University. In the 1829 publication, Two leading abolitionist publications emerged within this period as well -, Social organizations also gained momentum for the abolitionist cause. A loose term for political reformers especially those from the elite and middle classes who worked to improve the political system, fight poverty, conserve environmental resources, and increase government involvement in the economy. E) white resentment of the ability and success of black legislators. Southerners also argued that slavery was a Constitutional right of the states. Coxeys Army of nearly 10,000 citizens did not get what they came for, but officials instead arrested Coxey for trespassing on the Capitol lawn. Students analyze historians interpretations, historical sources, and propositions about history. Period 8 covers a lot of ground when it comes to tracking challenges to societal structures and norms. Whereas Period 1 focused mostly on the interactions between Europeans and Native Americans, Period 2 focuses primarily on social structures relating to African slaves in the American colonies. C) common in both North and South. A) Andrew Johnson had won reelection in 1868. Begun in New York, a national progressive organization that encouraged women, through their shopping decisions, to support fair wages and working conditions for industrial laborers. Students assess these written, quantitative, or visual materials as historical evidence. Ragtime was an important form of "crossover" music, borrowed from working-class African Americans by enthusiasts who were white and middle class. These arrangements take the form partly of kinship and marriage relations. Round all computations to the nearest dollar. Anthropologists hold that this view ignores the vast amount of genetic diversity within the population and the minimal importance of differences between populations, so that race is used to refer to ethnic group (cultural) differences as though they had a biological basis, the policy or practice of separating people of different races, classes, or ethnic groups, as in schools, housing, and public or commercial facilities, especially as a form of discrimination, deprived of the rights of citizenship especially the right to vote, Alexander Holmes, Barbara Illowsky, Susan Dean, Arthur Getis, Daniel Montello, Mark Bjelland, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese. Members of the United Farm Workers also stood in grocery store parking lots with flyers, asking consumers to consider another brand of grapes during their shopping experience. Learn faster with spaced repetition. For many years, TV executives used the guideline that 30 percent of the audience were watching each of the traditional big three prime-time networks and 10 percent were watching cable stations on a weekday night. Miners, homesteaders, ranchers, railroad workers, and other migrants all had to contend with the harsh realities of frontier life. In the early nineteenth century, southern politicians began adopting the material benefits of slavery in full-force. A term for an attack on African Americans by white mobs, triggered by political conflicts, street altercations, or rumors of crime. This policy was implemented through a variety of means, including the establishment of boarding schools for Native American children, such as the Carlisle Indian School, which aimed to break the connection between the children and their culture and traditions. E) Union League. E) the Republicans' fear of re-admitting Confederate leaders to Congress. Reporter for the New York Sun who wrote How the Other Half Lives. Scoring rubrics general scoring criteria for the document-based and long essay questions, regardless of specific question prompt are available in the course and exam description (CED). Recognizing Gerunds and Gerund Phrases. The fate of the defeated Confederate leaders was that, At the end of the Civil War, many white Southerners, Freedom for Southern blacks at the end of the Civil War, For blacks, emancipation meant all of the following except, The "Exodusters" westward mass migration to Kansas finally faltered when, The greatest achievements of the Freedmen's Bureau were in, The white South viewed the Freedmen's Bureau as, In President Andrew Johnson's view, the Freedmen's Bureau was. D) freed slaves the right to vote. A critical term, first applied by Theodore Roosevelt, for investigative journalists who published exposs of political scandals and industrial abuses. The first will be corresponding to a given poem. Some women, especially activists like the. Many of the people involved in one movement also support other movements. In addition to these traditional forms of resistance to the structure of slavery, radical abolitionist actively expressed their opinions and solutions in distributed print. They helped reveal the dirt about trusts, corruption, and other evils. A professional stage show popular in the 1880s and 1890s that included singing, dancing, and comedy routines; it created a form of family entertainment for the urban masses that deeply influenced later forms, such as radio shows and television sitcoms. A high-scoring DBQ response will do the following. Which of the following was not one of the Reconstruction era constitutional amendments? D) organizing mass meetings. A) guarantee freedom for the blacks. It is comprised of three free-response essays and 55 multiple-choice questions. How did African American performers influence popular culture in the 1950s? D) apparent sympathy with the Ku Klux Klan. Encourage your students to visit theAP U.S. History student pagefor exam information. Students choose between Question 3 (which focuses on historical developments or processes between the years 1491 and 1877) and Question 4 (which focuses on historical developments or processes between the years 1865 and 2001) for the last question. D) a high tariff might be reinstituted. The Spanish also extorted labor from African slaves, who they imported through the Middle Passage in trade with Portugal. In 1948, President Truman ordered the desegregation of all armed services with Executive Order 9981. They were tasked with stopping the Ghost Dance and the violence that ensued. Her supporters gave the senator a _____ greeting following her speech. As outlined in Period 4, abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass published newspapers with editorials and first-hand accounts of the atrocities of slavery. In 1491, both North and South America were inhabited by flourishing and highly complex civilizations. In the study of larger social groups, the problem of selection is acute: much depends on what is included as components of the social structure. In the 1866 congressional elections, B) the U.S. army had more quickly suppressed the Ku Klux Klan. A 1906 law regulating the conditions in the food and drug industries to ensure a safe supply of food and medicine. D) Southern states should quickly be readmitted into the Union. " this civil war in Virginia ground on.", - The territory adjoining water affected by tides-this is, near the seacoast or coastal rivers. The Ghost Dance was based on the belief that through the performance of the Ghost Dance, all Native Americans would unite and a new Earth would come into being. They killed about 200 men, women and children, shredded their teepees and left many of them in the snow. A) passage of the Thirteenth Amendment. The equipment is expected to produce 220,000 units during its life. D) gain admittance to the Union Army. By 1974, petitions from organizations such as these led the American Psychiatric Association to declassify homosexuality as a form of mental illness. These arent terrible ways to study civil rights, but they arent flawless either. Within this new framework of business, corporations and trusts found an increasing need for managers and clerical workers. The discovery of phrase in each sentence. C) the southern desire to instigate guerrilla warfare against the occupying U.S. Army. This is not to say that the North was free of the slavery issue; Northern factories relied on Southern materials produced by the work of enslaved individuals. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. A) opposition to abusing the Constitutional system of checks and balances. B) anger at the corruption in Reconstruction legislatures. C) he would appeal to the hard-drinking anti-temperance vote. One of the most notable movements was the Ghost Dance movement, which emerged in the late 1800s among several tribes. B) located in the North. Journalize the December 31 adjusting entry for estimated uncolectible accounts expense for the year. Social Structure/Hierarchy/Stratification, the organization of society members where status, power, and money creates divisions and regulates behaviors, the values, beliefs and perceptions of the world that are learned and are shared by members of a community or society, and which they use to interpret experience and to generate behavior and that reflected in their own behavior, the idea that each culture's features should be understood in terms of what culture's history, environment, values, and views of its people, and that it is ethnocentric or biased, as well as uninformed, to judge another culture by the standards of one's own culture, the study of how people use space and interact with their environment, the spread of linguistic or cultural practices or innovations (including ideas and beliefs) within a culture or from one culture to another, the process by which a person or a group's culture is lost or changed and resembles those of another group, intolerance and prejudice; obstinate and unreasoning attachment to one's own belief and opinions, with narrow-minded intolerance of beliefs opposed to them, looking at the world from the perspective of one's own culture; the attitude or belief that the ways of one's own culture are the best or only proper ones. A) the South accepted the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments. Consciously or unconsciously, Americans in the 1950s lived largely consumer-driven, cookie-cutter lifestyles to fit in. He refused to eat or drink anything but water for nearly a month until all strikers rededicated themselves to the nonviolent cause. Riis photos of children walking half-clothed and barefoot in the streets, or sleeping in alleyways, were especially compelling for reform-minded women of the early Progressive era. By the nineteenth century, enslaved individuals could escape North using a network known as the. Clerical positions led to the growth of the middle-class, and an expansion of consumer culture. A form of American music that originated in the Deep South, especially from the black workers in the cotton fields of the Mississippi Delta. The Fourteenth Amendment guaranteed 2023 Fiveable Inc. All rights reserved. Overt means of resistance were more visible and often took the form of open rebellion on the part of the enslaved. Various theories offer different solutions to this problem of determining the primary characteristics of a social group. Social categories and practices are created, challenged, questioned, and maintained over time by a variety of factors. As a result, farmers found it increasingly difficult to make a living, as they were making less money while having to pay fixed or increasing expenses and taxes. Progressive who reformed the political process. In December 1890, the army caught up with a group of Sioux who were practicing the Ghost Dance and took them to the army camp at Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota. This act prohibited whites from entering the area without a government-issued license. In the following sentence, underline the collective noun once. Jacob Riis famous book of muckraking photojournalism, published in 1890, illuminated the lives of poor urban dwellers to middle and upper-class Americans. D) met all the demands of the radical Republicans. Academic Vocabulary: purchase, interact, trend, generate. On a day-to-day level, women assisted by growing, Women, with the ability, also joined the workforce, aiding in the construction of war supplies like planes, tanks, and munitions. C) the attempt to pass the Fourteenth Amendment. More specifically, the focus of this period is on the ways that enslaved individuals sought to resist the dehumanization of slavery and maintain their cultural priorities. B) the creation of the sharecropping system. They are all connected! Many of the enslaved Africans who survived the, The real brutality of Spanish labor practices helped with the emergence of a new trend in describing Spains presence in the Americas - the, In addition to the economic systems that created a hierarchy of Spanish bosses and Native American or African slave laborers, Spanish colonizers created strict social structures through a racial. Factory systems like the, As opposed to the ideal of Republican Motherhood from Period 3, women in the Market Revolution strove for the model of the, However, the separation between women who worked and women who stayed at home was not always so clear. B) the close ties that were developing between President Lincoln and the Democrats. All of the following were reasons the Senate voted to acquit President Andrew Johnson except WebAP US History Course and Exam Description - College Board With a dire need for such efficiency, President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the. WebThe College Board requires your AP teacher to cover certain topics in the AP U.S. History course. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, tenements became a symbol of urban immigrant poverty. You may already know that the adjective tumultuous means "wild and noisy." That same year, President Johnson announced an increase to the number of troops deploying in the Vietnam War - an engagement that disproportionately drafted non-white American men. View free-response questions and scoring information from past exams. By 1900, there were only 250,000 Native Americans in the country, a drastic decrease from the 600,000 in 1800 and the 5 million in 1492. ", Of noble or upper-class descent. By the end of the war, though, he failed to make the commission permanent. The federal government also attempted to address these issues through the passage of the Interstate Commerce Act of 1866, which was the first federal law aimed at regulating industry. Some questions include texts, images, graphs, or maps. The WTUL supported union organizing efforts among garment workers. During World War II, African Americans launched the Double V Campaign - victory abroad and victory at home - deciding that they would not stand for discrimination and racism after fighting for the ideals of democracy across the world. It is critical to know for the AP exam that these movements do not exist in a vacuum. The Five Civilized Tribes of the Southeast created chiefdoms and, later, alliances with European settlers. In the 1960s, Congress worked slowly on a civil rights bill without much tangible action or progress. However, despite some successes, many farmers continued to face economic struggles and challenges in the West. " they performed the sweaty toil of clearing swamps, grubbing out for trees, and other menial tasks. D) present in all Southern states except South Carolina and Louisiana. _______________________________________________. C) Fourteenth By the 1960s, this trend toward conformity tapered off. Think about your family. In response, antislavery efforts took on varied and complex forms, often tackling economic or moral sides of the abolitionist argument (sometimes both). Social work like that provided by Jane Addams and other settlement house organizers was necessary for the nations new wave of immigrants. Theme 1 (NAT) - American and National Identity, Theme 2 (WXT) - Work, Exchange, and Technology, Theme 3 (GEO) - Geography and The Environment, Theme 7 (ARC) - American and Regional Culture, National American Woman Suffrage Association, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. A) did little of value. ", An armed force of citizens called out only in emergencies. A complex, hierarchical party organization such as New York's Tammany Hall, whose candidates remained in office on the strength of their political organization and their personal relationship with voters, especially working-class immigrants who had little alternative access to political power. A) citizenship and civil rights to freed slaves. Because of the trends in population growth and rapid industrialization and urbanization, the intensity and structure of land use are undergoing great changes. The soldiers were ordered to "Kill and scalp all, big and little. 55 Questions | 55 Minutes | 40% of Exam Score, 3 Questions | 40 Minutes | 20% of Exam Score, 2 questions | 1 Hour, 40 minutes | 40% of Exam Score, Recommended Time: 1 Hour (includes 15-minute reading period) | 25% of Exam Score, Recommended time: 40 Minutes | 15% of Exam Score. In the space provided tell how it is used. B) preventing blacks from migrating to the West or North. And through taking AP Exams, students can earn college credit and placement. Of the two free response questions, one is a long essay (worth 15%) and one is a DBQ. C) a bar on blacks from renting land. During the war, both government and social groups wrangled over the roles of minorities. Also Helped to make children labor illegal. Which one of the following is least related to the other three? Finally, systems of symbolic communication, particularly language, structure the interactions between the members of any society. Here are a few examples every student should know for the exam: Period 7 covers just over half a century but includes significant events in United States history, including the Spanish American War, World War I, the Roaring 20s, the Great Depression and the New Deal, and World War II. Since the introduction of slavery in the early 1600s to the development of large, multi billion-dollar corporations in the late 1800s, developments in In what ways are social structures both impacting and impacted by American political policies, economic systems, and social traditions? Of Office Act South accepted the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth amendments all rededicated! Period 8 covers a lot of ground when it comes to tracking challenges to societal structures and norms Lincoln the. Exam that these movements do not exist in a vacuum revise the article produce 220,000 units during its life and. The states the nineteenth century, southern politicians began adopting the material benefits of slavery full-force... Can earn College credit and placement these movements do not exist in a vacuum means... Dance and the violence that ensued American performers influence popular culture in the 1950s to abusing the Constitutional system checks! 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