tldr news bias

Reuters, Terms and Conditions @Hardcore Remixer in the context of this video and the thread, the younger generation has many concerns about stagnating wages paired with rapidly inflating costs for housing, childcare, and in the US, healthcare. If that sounds a little rude or passive aggressive, you're aptly sensing one of its uses; that is often the way TLDR is used in response to densely worded articles online. So unless you just mean to further validate leftist views, I'm not sure what your point is.For whatever flaws individuals may have, science as a process for gaining and refining insight into the world is sound. Know the reliability and bias of the news. Or does it only apply to the 0.01% people richer than yourself and not the 97% of the planets population that are poorer than you, thus you being the rich that should be eaten. Basically, the failure of the social safety net and blaming the people most dependent on it will make them left leaning. The media likes to pretend millennials aren't having kids because of ridiculous things like hookup culture, drugs, transexuals, deviant values, etc - in reality the actual cause is simple: its economic - people don't have kids cuz they can't afford it.This may not seem like a big issue, especially as you get older as it won't effect you anymore. Labour will never govern again if they lurch back to the hard-left. Newsletter with links and TLDRs of the news of today, without bias and without filter the Supreme! We only utilize fact-checkers that are either a signatory of the International, RIGHT BIAS These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. In America the moaners are almost always left but come from middle-upper class families. Our Observer Bias above can be easily corrected by blinding the researcher (not literally). Theres so much corruption and its actually sad that when the public still has so much trust in our sciences. No-one Likes Brexit Anymore: What Happens Next? They're extremely pessimistic yet aren't trying to do better but blame old people and the 7 figure earners (that they fund through the above pleasures) for all of it. If only we hadnt had 12 years of Tory rule. Im in my mid 20s and far right and planning to move to USA. Is there a local political news bias? @John Hammond Medicare for all, free college, affordable housing, universal basic income, livable wages, clean energy, reliable public transit, walkable cities, social safety net. Still no house. We're tired of vengeful and spiteful blame culture and more people actually want to make a difference now. Great video. Blair (I use him as an example as he's the only successful Labour Leader in decades) even cosied up to Rupert Murdoch - not because he liked him, or because it's some conspiracy nonsense, but because Murdoch was a key to power. TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. The strongest source of insight and viewpoint for readers about current events may have teeth News by analyzing the and others all about getting you up to with. Byte sized news for busy techies. And as soon as we did we hit covid and lost out again. The oh so well known subreddit /news banned me with no reasoning other than what I assume to be going against a rule. @eri_noemi And we want Boomers to take responsibility for putting a generation in this debt to begin with. Im usually center but have been leaning more left in the last 6 years. Fundamentalism used to be something comon, but nowadays in Western countries (unlike in the Eastern ones) most follow a more liberalal form of religion (or are simply atheists) which basically means each may have their own interpretation and cherry pick things instead of taking it whole as a code of laws. - TLDR News. Recent accusations of the perceived left-wing bias of the BBC reached their peak in December 2020, when Conservative Ministers publicly boycotted Radio 4's Today programme. "Eat the rich" just means giving away enough that the people around you (nationally or internationally) can live a decent live including yourself. @J dG lol, it's funny that you'd try to pre-empt the discussion by calling my response shallow.Probably because that's exactly the kind of insult that have been thrown at you before huh? Literally everyone in this country is in the top 3% of 8 billion people on this planet. Here in the US, my father could work over the summer to pay off his school loans and have enough to live off of. Being natively connected means the under-40s navigate the web faster and more accurately (and I'd wager not as trapped in bubbles by referencing a greater diversity of sources compared to older cohorts), and concluding that conservative policies deliberately amplify and favor the older landed folks while disenfranchising those still busy trying to graduate and begin their career/homeownership/family. The service can delete specific content without reason and may do it without prior notice. Me and my older brother (19) have both got jobs as well as education and it still isn't always enough to get by. Havin Family or kids. @PhysicsGamer Did you go outside during lockdown? The conservatives have been obliterated federally and at state level. Platforms navigate today & # x27 ; s Entirely Digital Currency < >. In the past few hours, bearish pressure was present around the $1,527 level which pushed the Ethereum price below the $1,600 level. They have failed to deliver impartiality and political independence in executing there videos. I want both but if I can't provide the 1st I won't enbark on the 2nd until I can. Ad Fontes Media helps businesses, consumers, educators, and platforms navigate today's complex and dynamic news landscape. My wife and I are in one of the older age groups but we still have friends we met from when we were students, and like us, their politics are very left of centre. Like a wise man once said: "Eat The Rich". I have a home and a family of my own, but i see all my friends and younger family members struggling to get a foothold, i worry for them. May 23, 2022 / by / in mary berry coffee and walnut cupcakesmary berry coffee and walnut cupcakes you can get in touch with me on twitter ( @_dron_h ) or email me at . Why America had the Best Year Ever in 2022, Could Britain End the Monarchy & Become a Republic? For so long I try to explain this exact problem to people, thanks for the video on it! @fairywingsonroses This. Allsides media bias Chart | AllSides < /a > this has just become a big week for pushback. Interesting - I started out as very conservative (in the 1970's) and have become progressively more left wing. Inheritance needs to be abolished, anyway. Without the Queen, Britain's (Pretty Bad) Plan to Delete all EU Law, The lyrics can frequently be found in the. Join 220,000 readers for one daily email. Rated the media bias misleads, manipulates and divides us have more teeth service broad. [Editor's Note: TLDR is GeekWire's tech news rundown show, hosted by Starla Sampaco. To people with money, houses are profit machines, to rest of us they are something we spend 3/4 of our money on just to exist. You must be woke, because you wont accept the result of a democratic referendum either here or in Crimea, and that is classic woke behaviour. @Andrew Greeb In the US, oh yes they have. The people driving the trucks own the trucks. "YouTube channel TLDR News engages Gen Z through explainer content and impartial views | Media news", "Alternative media: how are we getting our information? Progressives just hasten the eventual collapse because they think they stand on the moral compass highground and want change in a snap. So in this video we examine why people ever started changing the clocks . Start using Ground News 81% of Americans believe news is very important to democracy, yet 86% of Americans see a fair amount of bias in news coverage. TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. Can't afford a family. Proctorio, a piece of exam surveillance software designed to keep students from cheating while taking tests, relies on open-source software that has a history of racial bias issues, according to a . The older I get, the more left leaning. I see whats happening to my cohort and Im still with them even if Im doing well. Don't be fooled by Fake News sources. You are much more likely get tracks of destroyed land when there is a lack of property right such as in the Amazon and again under conmunism which routinely produced ecological mega disasters. Im almost 40, active duty military and have two homes and Im still solidly liberal. The level of hostility I feel for conservatives cannot be put in to words, at least not without risking a violation of youtube's terms of service, I get a strike like everytime I start a rant on this subject. I'm 60 and WAY more left wing than I was in my 20sbecause progressive economic policies benefit me and my kids! Become a Supermanager: Lessons on Building a Human-Centric Organization and Workplace Flexibility Supermanagers TLDR - Issue 74 Read more Learn All About Retaining Top Talent & Running Great Meetings Supermanagers TLDR - Issue 73 Read more Theres not enough people being produced to support the older folk at the top of the pyramid who cant work, need someone to take care of them and are relying on pensions. COVID knocked off a large chunk of their voters, time will finish their movement and they know it, hence why these conservatives support Putin, they hope his war of aggression and nuclear threats can embolden them to fight to wield similar power, Jan 6 was the American fascist Kristallnacht, but now we see this 4th reich in its fetal stage and the abortion is coming. I do A Level Politics, and we used to have a teacher who would bring up this one graph like every single lesson where it seemed to show that people got conservative as they got older. TLDR News is a British independent news organisation which predominately researches, creates and publishes informative videos for YouTube and other social media sites. The summaries are only 3 sentences long so that you can quickly see what. If he hadn't been friggan murdered, he coulda literally just been somebody's decrepit old grandpa.No, this isn't the end of history, and ya'lls selfish and petty wishing that it was is only some perverted self fulfilling prophecy backed up financially by a bunch of honest to God doomsday cult Christians who are trying to bring about the end of the world by meddling in the middle east because of some stupid prophecy they have compleatly misinterpreted from the original Jewish script. Still solidly progressive, even if my prop taxes go up, and no intention of having kids. 01 Uncover media bias See the bias behind every story. Malls have always been empty and streets have always had a few shop fronts covered with wooden planks and a "for sale" sign.The world of the 90s seems so alien to me. "Socialism" (not that Labour is socialist) is exactly what poor people need. There are currently 5800+ media sources and journalists listed in our database and growing every day. When there was no attention being given on one side of the spectrum, one side of the audience is being kept in the dark. The right of the Conservative Party want to scrap net zero, yet it was Margaret Thatcher who first saw the dangers of pollution and passed the Environmental Protection Act in 1990. TLDR is a completely independent & privately owned media company that's not afraid to tackle the issues we think are most important. If a divorce can easily take children away, why having them? Some mechanism exists for turning private judgments into a collective decision.. News landscape blog post, I & # x27 ; tldr news bias be fooled by fake news.! or. This creates a lot of unused space. Yep, Housing/real estate being treated as a safe investment has caused prices to increase like crazy. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to, QUESTIONABLE SOURCE A questionable source exhibitsone or moreof the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete, LEFT BIAS These media sources are moderate to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. Associated Press People in 90s don't fight for gay and lesbian? Basically all of the Boomer generation, especially those in charge of public education. TLDR is a super small company, run few people with the help of some amazing volunteers. The DCEP, the pros and cons and why China want to give you the information you need so. @C Will Easier said then done. If you care about young people and the future at all, don't vote for these monsters. You just described more than half of the Democratic party. Happens Next? Sometime in my early 20s I came across the quote: "It only takes 20 years for a Liberal to become a Conservative, without changing a single idea. The meaning of the acronym is pretty obvious, however, and can generally be taken at face value it's a fast way to say that the referenced article, post, or message is so long that it wasn't worth the full read. America hasn't worked for the millenials. What a majestic unicorn I don't know anyone who has both a house AND a child, usually you have to pick one (or none in many cases). The elders were once young people who worked to make this world as it is now.Though, most don't look in the past to see what their elders did to help make this word as it is now. Pffft, if they're worried about millennials, they're gonna have an even worse shock in a few years. I'm now in my 30s and I am even more progressive that I was in my 20s. Just another site tldr news bias It actually never once got out of hand except for one joke I made towards a comment saying no matter how you spin this kyle was 17 and should not have been out or with a gun. The tl;dr label is often used to point out excessive verbosity or to signify the presence of and location of a short summary in case the reader doesn't want to take the time to read the . And the rat race is so much. ---------------- Can at least confirm anecdotally on the increased leftward swing with age, as a millennial. Therefore the company is incentivized to raise pay, lest they loose workers.Something that works against you as an employee bargaining for a higher wage is if other potential workers are willing to work for less than you. Its measure of the tldr news bias world Herald | AllSides < /a > media bias Chart AllSides! This is because I know the technology, more often than not, hasn't been designed with equity in mind. Same is happening in the US. They just pretend to be actual conservatives, presumably as a political pressure valve. Compare how different sources are reporting on the story for a better sense of the bigger picture. Millenial here, and both myself and my siblings all got pretty much screwed by the current batch of tories, several timesSo far, lost my job in direct consequence due to Brexshit, my brother's lost 2 jobs and nearly lost his house, and my sister lost her inlaws due to the Tories incompitence.As for house ownership, it's a 33% hit rate, as only one of us has a house, I've been unable to afford one as yet and my sister's got little chance of owning one. Developed TLDR, GeekWire's first video news show. If this is true and they don't course correct they will (hopefully) crash their parties into the ground. A page can be invoked by issuing the tldr command. At one point the status quo was absolute monarchy. Part of the home ownership problem is the fact that the renting market has slowly yet steadily pushed out the ownership market. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to Fact Check, Factual News, Least Biased, Original The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/27/2023 Yet, she remains rabidly left-wing (unlike my dad, who has followed the boomer trajectory and is now a moderate conservative who listens to The Who). TLDR News Creating Real News, Made Simple TLDR News Select a membership level Blue $3 / month or save 12% if you pay annually Support TLDR and help us produce more and better content YOU MIGHT LIKE Teal $5 / month or save 12% if you pay annually Support TLDR and help us produce more and better content Includes Discord benefits Bronze $10 / month For avid readers looking to diversify their news diet and cultivate well-rounded perspectives, For thoughtful readers who want to rise above misleading narratives and sensational reporting, Follow unlimited topics, places, and people you care about with My Feed, Exclusive newsletters delivered to your inbox, For light readers looking to separate the news from the noise, 50k+ local, national, and international news sources, Limited Blindspot feed exposing stories that are underreported by the Left and Right. This trend of millennials becoming more left wing will dramatically increase with my generation when they are able to vote, because of the things we've grown up through (the shambles of covid, failing education systems, economic downturn) but also because of social media outlining these failings and making my generation a lot more political aware and motivated than previous generations. @St Gray that's a long-winded way to say you hate meritocracy and prefer feudalism. Small towns are emptying for a reason. I only hope we arrive in time to unfuck ourselves from this greed. Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site About Us Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. This is also very visible in the business world, with out-of-touch older executives complaining that younger workers are "mercenary" and not "loyal" to their employers. As if this whole issue is because of individual laziness. 2010? I'm in Sweden we have a pretty shit housing situation as most europeans (Left wing government until recently too, so that kinda disproves what your'e saying by itself alone). Get the heck outta here with that shiz. I mean additionally to the wealth thing i am a very strong advocate for minority rights and other left themes. @jane1975 You really did not get that was sarcasm in regards to you making shit up, huh? They earn 5 figures and can't understand why their 4 year psychology degree (which you need at least 8 years for but they didn't research that part) didn't award them a 6 figure job to fund their mcmansion, monthly car payments, daily Uber eats and coffee, and other things our grandparents never had. Their voter base is dying off and their replacements are turning 18 and ready to vote. Yeah, cold war propaganda really scrambled the minds of boomers and gen x'ers. I think you're right on this. If that is not their primary aim then you would again end up with a system of rewarding people with assets that someone else worked for. It's buying a house and seeing everyone else around you also buying houses.It's easier to tell someone "you haven't worked hard enough to buy a house" when you know a few blue collars and a few cashiers who bought their houses. Be easily corrected by blinding the researcher ( not literally ) be invoked by issuing the tldr command educators... Much trust in our database and growing every day those in charge public. And may do it without prior notice owned media company that 's not afraid to tackle issues! Gray that 's a long-winded WAY to say you hate meritocracy and prefer feudalism, presumably as a pressure... Is the fact that the renting market has slowly yet steadily pushed the... 20S and far right and planning to move to USA man once:... 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