stay in the race sermon

Last week we began talking about discovering and using our resources in our series on Dealing with Stress. He has chosen you to run the race of a lifetime. It is an active word that tells speaks of a person who has a spirit in him that stands up and faces the trials of life. Hebrews 12:1-3 (NKJV) The Race of Faith. ? He was able to look past the cross. It, too, dominates your mind. You Might Feel Like You are By Your Self, But Just Stay In The Race." Your past times can be a distraction. Worry can be a distraction. WebHow To Stay In The Race? There was not a single trace When I boldly decided to enter in this race. Denomination: Lutheran JUST STAY IN THE RACE Charlton Heston had to learn how to drive a chariot with four horses for his part in the movie Ben Hur. The same is true in a spiritual race as well. He was charged with demon possession Mark 3:22, 14. Let me challenge you to get your eyes back on Jesus. Run in your own lane; stay in your own lane. Hebrews 12:1-4, Denomination: We're sorry, an error occurred. Our course has been individually designed! WebStaying in the Race-Heb. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus, who stands at the finish line waiting for us to complete the race. The race gives purpose to life, hope for the future, and a reward in glory. Solomon was a good man. HOLY SPIRIT - The Most Important Person on Earth by Dr Myles Munroe (PDF), Breaking up the Fallow Ground - Hosea 10:12, Don't Waste Your Life by Dr John Piper (PDF Book), Spiritual Warfare Prayers and Sermons (PDF Books), A2.1 Powerful Prayers in the War Room by Daniel B Lancaster, NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS (1 Peter 1:18-25), THE BELIEVER'S SECULAR DUTY (Romans 13:1-10), WHY DID JESUS GO TO CALVARY? February 25, 2021. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27King James Version (KJV) Are you engaging in the necessary disciplines and activities that will enable you to grow and mature in Christ-likeness? 13:53-58, 9. It dawns on you: You cannot run a marathon. read more, Scripture: We must welcome rebuke and embrace trials. Back to your home and the U.S. Olympic Committee's invitation. The first few steps felt easy, and my way was clear and bright. A. You are left pondering their proposal. We dont strive for the crown that only one can receive. B. To make advance is reward enough to a true disciple; but to get to the goal and get the prize too that is heaven.Conclusion: 1. They were merely common men and women who evidenced a profound faith in God. YES! 2:13ff, 5. Energy is expended and none is left for the end of the race. For Jesus, the joy was in what would happen when He finished His race. Say this with me: He opposed by His family Mark 3:21-22. Hebrews 12:1-3 1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. This is no ordinary race. I do not know what you may be facing this evening as you run your race, but I do know doing the things revealed in these verses will help us all to be runners who are pleasing to the Lord God. Our natural bent is toward sinfulness and laziness. . The picture is of a man trying to run a race while dressed in the long flowing robes of the day. (1 Peter 1:18-20), PDF Books - Supernatural Healing and Restoration in Christ (1), Jesus Prays for You and Me (John17:11-26), JESUS CHRIST : THE GREAT HIGH PRIEST (John17:1-26), PDF Books The HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD ( L1), PDF Books Supernatural Healing and Restoration in Christ(2), PDF Books Supernatural Healing and Restoration in Christ(1), Devotions and Studies from the Book of PROVERBS PDFBooks, JESUS CHRIST : THE GREAT GIFT GIVER (John 16:7-15;14:16-18), GRACE FOR ALL THE GEARS OF LIFE (Isaiah40:28-31), THE PSALM OF THE RESCUED SAINT (Hezekiah Isa. WebSTEPS FOR STAYING IN THE RACE Intro: Nowhere in the Bible are we promised that the Christian life is going to be easy. When the gun went off, I pictured Jesus, who knew what the brutal cross would accomplish, enduring it with full joy. In Hebrews, the writer reminds Christians to run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfector of our faith.. The race of faith is lifes journey for the Christian. Believers can take certain approaches to be sure they will strongly finish the race. You suddenly realize that you still have as far to go as you've already run and you're already very tired. Keep going. The Greek word means One who begins or originates, and thus it is translated author, founder, and pioneer in different versions. That's like me saying, "I'm going to try really hard to compete in a triathlon." We arrange our life around certain disciplines that help us gain power and strength to become more like Jesus each day, to live a life as Jesus taught and modeled. You see, He ran His race, and He ran it well. That seems to be the idea in the book of Hebrews. It would be easy for him to be tripped up and fall out of the race. Runners call it "hitting the wall." The lighter the endurance runner, the swifter the runner. Summary: This sermon helps one to look at the good and bad and understand no matter what they go through in life they have to Stay in the Race. He sat there dazed for a moment, not knowing whether he could get up, when the official screamed, "Get up and run!" I felt strong and energetic and my pace was quick and light. People Listen In Different Wayscan You Reach All Of Them? of 1: using the foot-races in the stadium as a basis[2]; exert oneself to the limit of ones powers in an attempt to go forward, strive to advance, the emphasis is entirely on the effort that the person makes. As the Lord gives liberty, allow me to share with you these Steps For Staying In The Race. The first one is at the beginning. You allow yourself to imagine that maybe you do have what it takes to run the race. 2:20-22, GERITOL, DIAPERS AND THE WORD OF GOD (Romans4:18-25), JESUS: THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE (John11:18-27), WHERE THE LAW FAILS, FAITH PREVAILS (Rom4:13-17), The Anatomy (Inner Workings) of Faith Heb11:1-2, HOW RIGHTEOUSNESS IS OBTAINED (Romans4:9-12), ILL TAKE WHATS BEHIND THAT DOOR (John10:1-11), A Y2K PLAN FOR THE FATHERS HOUSE (Heb. The day when He would reclaim the glory He had shared with the Father from eternity past. His father died when He was young Mt. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Our eyes are to be on the One who started us on this race, and the One who will greet us at the end of it. 15:58.). We need to keep our eyes on Jesus, who stands at the finish line waiting for us to complete the race. When we are able to get a heavenly vision, it makes the race more bearable. Seeking entertainment instead of fellow-shipping and communing with God. Never give up. I To make advance is reward enough to a true disciple; but to get to the goal and get the prize too that is heaven.Conclusion: 1. A1. It dominates your mind. Jesus Christ Himself is our greatest role model for (1039). 12:2 Msg). In the spiritual arena, this refers to anything that hinders our walk with God. However, it is not a picture of sitting back and waiting to see what will come our way in life. The one who holds the planets in orbit says something about his divine resilience. Solomon was the son of King David. He wrote in one stanza, And to his dad he sadly said,"I didn't do too well. 3. Hesitation or fear? There are so many things and people that try and take us from Gods purpose in our lives. that is first in a series; is to be at the end of a process. CSB Experiencing God Bible, Hardcover, Jacketed. We must seek fellowship among other believers and let our fellow church members encourage us in the faith. Bible. Hey, its all a matter of perspective anyway!). Remember it is not about finishing last or finishing first, but simply about finishing. Your boyfriend can be a distraction. 17. The one time you began a running program you ran down your driveway, onto the sidewalk in front of your house getting to the end of your yard only to turn around exhausted and panting barely making back to your La-z-boy. 13:5.). 1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him We will persevere by maintaining a Christlike attitude even in the midst of trials ( 1 Peter 2:21; 4:1; 1 John 2:6 ). Doing so will result in distraction and defeat. And just yesterday you were sweating so profusely, dripping like a faucet on the clean kitchen floor, your spouse asked, "Did you go for a jog?" This is a sermon that will challenge us to not be content with our place in Christ, but to RUN the race, not just jog it lazily, but RUN TO WIN! This is one of the key messages of the book of Hebrews. The one who selected unattractive, unlikable, and unreliable men to be his followers and loved them to the end. Jesus is the creator and sustainer of the universe. In 1968, the country of Tanzania selected John Stephen Akhwari to represent it You must arrange your life around certain practices that will enable you to do what you cannot do now by willpower alone. It, too, is the race of a lifetime. In the spiritual race you are running, don't quit. 3:1-8), JESUS: THE FOUNTAIN OF LIVING WATER (John7:37-39), WHY JESUS IS WORTHY OF YOUR FAITH (Heb. The race is a conflict in that there is an internal struggle of the soul. Solomon was a good man. Before his run in the Olympics, Eric Liddell ran in a meet between England and France. Progress and coronation. 12:1-2 on several occasions Paul likened the Christian life to a race.. **politics,religion,sportsthirst for sportswe are in a race.. not a rest,its a racenot a frolic,its a fightword race is the word we get our word agony from.the discipline of an athelete, and the determination of a championimportant Consider His Race His was a hard race that began in poverty and ended in pain on a cross. For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. WebThe aim of the message today is, God wants us to stay in the race! February 25, 2021. The Olympic Committee enlisted you to run, not a sprint, but a 26.2-mile endurance competition. He never lost sight of the goal and He never quit running until the goal had been achieved. But as I come to you today, I believe that the transition that started seven and a half months ago has taken a different (06-05-05), Reaching the Checkered Flag More to the point, you cannot run a marathon even if you try really, really hard. He was left alone, rejected and forsaken by all of His friends Mark 14:50. 12:2 Msg). WebSTEPS FOR STAYING IN THE RACE Intro: Nowhere in the Bible are we promised that the Christian life is going to be easy. {This Sermon Has been REVISED}, -----------------------------*The Book of Hebrews*------------------------------------------------------------------- The 12th Chapter------------------------------------- The race judge was the man who called the race. You are currently impersonating {{}}. 4:7, (As the author begins this chapter, he draws our attention back to chapter 11, where he mentioned many of the great heroes and heroines of the faith. Personal discipline is essential if we are to keep our eyes focused on Jesus. WebRunning The Race Hebrews 12:1-3 Home Back to Sermon List Now there are some of the same things which are essential to being victorious in a race are also key to being given to someone else. 1 Corinthians 9:24, 2 Timothy 4:7, This Sermon is about enduring hardship even when folk despitfully use you. 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Introduction- I prayed that God would enable me to win so I might have the opportunity to praise him for the victory. Running Gods Race. They lift weights. Then the writer of Hebrews states, "For you need endurance, so that after you have done God's will, you may receive what was promised" (Heb. He should always be the focus of our faith because He is the giver and wellspring of faith. Jesus is our joy. Run to win. WebWe need to run with endurance the race that is set before us. Cake and late-night slumber parties were not the only thing I needed to lay aside. Glory to God, that will give you a second wind to be able to run your race with patience!). 10:22-25), HOW TO GET YOUR LIFE OUT OF THE PIT (1 Peter5:5-10), Reminders for Pilgrims and Strangers (1 Peter2:9-12), JESUS: THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD (John9:1-11), REALITIES THAT CAN PUT DOUBT TO DEATH (Heb. HOLY SPIRIT The Most Important Person on Earth by Dr Myles Munroe(PDF), C2. Ultimately, He will bring us to our long-awaited reward: I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.. In the Christian life, we run the race of faith. THIS MESSAGE IS FOR ME. Second: He has all power to help us complete the race of faith. Hebrews 12:1-4, Hebrews 12:1. I wanted Gods will to agree with my will more than I wanted my will to become Gods. 1 2 3 4 Next For our lesson today, we are looking at the life of King Solomon. With forty yard to go, he pulled into third place, then second. YES! Oh, what a day that will be!! When we set our eyes firmly on him, we will not grow weary in the fight against sin and in the race to persevere in faith. stumbled and fell, severely injuring both his knee and ankle. In Hebrews, the writer reminds Christians to run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfector of our faith.. Like the Scripture In fact, often the opposite is true, John 16:33. (1 Pet. A daily regimen of prayer, worship, reading Gods Word and examining our lives for impediments will help. He was charged with insanity Mark 3:21, 13. Every huff, every twinge of pain, and every prolonged day on earth is worth patiently enduring the journey to get to the finish line to get to Jesus. Our eyes are to be on the One who started us on this race, and the One who will greet us at the end of it. A short list of things includes: 1. Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc. [2] Arndt, W., Danker, F. W., & Bauer, W. (2000). I felt strong and energetic and my pace was quick and light. We will never reach our fullest potential for the Lord until we are willing to make the preparations and sacrifices that are necessary for running the race. All three were a part of this Church family and each in their own way has made an impact in our lives. 8:28. He's Where the Joy Is by Tara-Leigh Cobble, Black Church Leadership & Family Conference. 3. We must not look at circumstances. Hebrews 12:1-2, Denomination: But run it with the hope that God wants you to have in Christ. Seeing that the race God set out for us is a lifelong marathon, we must commit ourselves to run to the very end. A daily regimen of prayer, worship, reading Gods Word and examining our lives for impediments will help. INTRODUCTION Family can be a distraction. Your family. (1 Peter1:18-20), OBJECTIONS THAT DEMAND ANSWERS (Rom. Cloud of witnesses ), (Ill. we need to come to the place where we are able to look beyond the situations and circumstances of life and envision that day when we too will be home with the Savior. We will be rewarded if we run the race God has set for us and not the race He has set for someone else. That made it a little easier to run the race. Hesitation or fear? Stay in the Race! Progress and coronation. 6:12**). Sometimes, I possessed pure motives and would end my prayer with wanting Gods will to be done more than mine even if that meant the dreadful loss. ", You are surprised because the farthest you've run in years is from the couch to the refrigerator. I want to share some steps that are given in these verse that will help you and me run this race we are in this evening. Behold, I am coming quickly! In fact, often the opposite is true, John 16:33. By focusing on that joy we can endure. Now that I belong to Jesus, what do I do about my struggles? He pulled into fourth place ten yards behind the leader, J. J. Gillies. He was executed as a common criminal by means of crucifixion John 19:16ff. His was a race that set the perfect example of how a race should be run. (138). Those of us who live in the real world Hebrews 12:1-3, Philippians 3:10-14, Denomination: Galatians 5:25, Denomination: And were all in it for the same reasonto fuel the churchs mission of making disciples. Rick has earned a Doctor of Ministry in Preaching from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary and a Master of Theology in preaching from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. They did not run perfectly, but they ran. 4:15.). 4:7 HCSB). - to direct ones attention without distraction, fix ones eyes; - to develop more precise knowledge about something; look with undivided attention; one who begins someth. Christian/Church Of Christ, This is the seventh and final message in my NASCAR-themed "Finish Line" series, focusing upon living a faithful life and finishing a life of faith. He Is Our Crown The good news is Jesus made us lightweight runners. But many who compete are anything but serious runners. Lay Aside All Sins Next, the author encourages his readers to get rid of besetting sins. It also means putting away poor eating and sleeping habits. (REPEAT 3xs) I would only be able compete in a triathlon by training for a triathlon. So you are chosen. He was raised in a despicable town Nazareth Luke 2:39, 8. Jesus is the creator and sustainer of the universe. Verse 2 tells us He is the founder of our faith. As Easter approaches we are wrapping up this series of sermons about giving God room to work in our lives. That seems to be the idea in the book of Hebrews. Hebrews 12:1-3 The writer of this text uses the illustration of a race to They have sore muscles and tired lungs. Along the racecourse for the marathon, Akhwari Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling, and present you faultless before His presence in glory with exceeding great joy; to the only wise God, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. The one who selected unattractive, unlikable, and unreliable men to be his followers and loved them to the end. (1015). In the spiritual race you are running, don't quit. They stretch. They Have Run Their Race These were people who ran the race they had been given. Your girlfriend can be a distraction. Run in your own lane; stay in your own lane. Never give up. He Is Our Crown The good news is Jesus made us lightweight runners. We need perseverance as Christians. Your girlfriend can be a distraction. They Have Received Their Reward These people ran their race and now they are able to rest in the Fathers presence. 6:18-20), NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS (1 Peter1:18-25), JESUS: THE SYMPATHETIC SAVIOR (John8:1-11), HOW I KNOW IM GONNA GO (Hebrews6:16-20), WHY DID JESUS GO TO CALVARY? Progress and coronation. As a Christian, have you ever wanted to walk away from this whole Christian thing! In fact, He is the race judge, (Ill. that is first in a series, one who began someth. In his unorthodox style of running he took off after the pack. The Hebrew writer gives us insight and direction of being a witness to others. Each look at Jesus would strengthen us to endure and finish well. Jesus understands because (v. 3 says) He endured the contradiction of sinners against Himself, (v. 2 says) He endured the cross, and (v. 3 says) He despised the shame! I And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, When I have closed my eyes in death, and my voice has been hushed by the great equalizer known as death; when I will have song my last song on this side, prayed my last prayer, put up my hymn book and bible, stuck my sword in the sands of time to study war no more, I can say like the Old Apostle Paul in. Sin clings closely. Yes, difficulties will come and trials will cross our paths and often, we will be tempted to quit on God and drop out of the race. Hebrews 12:1-3 1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. They did not quit until the race was finished. Will you get off the sofa and get in the race? ext. Navigating the challenges and joys of ministry life. He stands as our example. He is our crown, and we will be with him forever. After many weeks of chariot lessons he told the director, "I think I can drive the chariot all right, but I'm not at all sure I can actually win the race." Step 1: Consider The Saints Hebrews 12:1-3; Philippians 3:10-14 In fact, it is mandatory for any significant challenge in life - including becoming a spiritual champion. Order Curriculum, Literature, and Church Supplies, by Rick Ezell on Wednesday, January 01, 2014 at 7:00 AM. For Him, the joy was the day of redemption that would bring about the following: 2. Solomon was the son of King David. 11:32-40;23-29, HOW TO BE SURE YOU HAVE ETERNAL SECURITY #2 2 Pet. (Ill. Notice the wording the race that is set before us. We each have our own race to run. This is my destiny. "Run in such a way that you may win" (1 Cor. C. They Have Revealed That God Is Reliable The greatest encouragement that we can derive from these saints is the fact that they are proof positive of the reliability of the Lord. John the You picture yourself mingling with the elite athletes of the world. Moving Out In Endurance (All my sermons use illustrations from and the Scripture is NIV unless otherwise noted.) C. We Must Guard Our Priorities Notice that verse 2a tells us that we are to run looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Plainly put, that means we are to use Jesus as our focal point while we run the race we have been given by God. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus, who stands at the finish line waiting for us to complete the race. Photo credit: Unsplash/Jonathan Chng. The Pursuit of God by A.W. It becomes the central focus of your existence. You Might Feel Like You are By Your Self, But Just Stay In The Race." Rick is a consultant, conference leader, communicator, and coach. It does mean that they are witnesses to the faithfulness of God. Ultimately, He will bring us to our long-awaited reward: I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.. He took the burden of our sins and placed them on himself at the cross. (Ill. So many people honestly think that coming to know Jesus being saved is the end result of their spiritual journey. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. 18. (LogOut/ In light of that, the writer is attempting to encourage these weary, hurting believers to be faithful to the Lord and to continue to run their race. Seven times in the book of Hebrews, the author captures the heart of Christianity in a simple, wonderful command: draw near. His was a race in which He never faltered. We must be temperate in all things. Solomon was the son of King David. Stay In The Race Scripture Hebrews Topic Series H.B. The particular, electing love of God from before the foundation of the world is the reason why anyone becomes a Christian. Our primary duty while we run is to look to Him. The Greek word for race is agon from which we get our word agony. My goal in preaching this message is that when we reach the end of this race we might say with the Apostle Paul, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. 2 Tim. Promised stay in the race sermon the Christian life, hope for the end of the soul are looking at the finish waiting! And sleeping habits life, hope for the victory the Most Important on... Rebuke and embrace trials aim of the universe { { } } people who the! Are so many people honestly think that coming to know Jesus being saved the. Someone else believers can take certain approaches to be able compete in a series, who! Begins or originates, and Church Supplies, by Rick Ezell on Wednesday, 01! 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stay in the race sermon