raul ries family

Get grounded. Jeremiah 29:11 is for you: Required fields are marked *. Jim Daly: This is an amazing testimony, and it illustrates how much God cares about every single one of us. He knew, rationally, he was in his home in the United States but the fears of war came rushing back. Coming Home: An Invitation to Join Gods Family. Failure To Solve Disputes Pt.2. Dec 7, 2022. He was also drawn to the forbidden. Don McClure: Raul, first of all, tell me a little about you coming to Christ. To his family he was a time-bomb, ready to explode at any moment, and to those who battled beside him, in Vietnam, he was an angry, bitter killer. The radio program, airing Monday through Friday, is designed to equip listeners with the necessary tools to live out their faith. Im gonna go back.I went back the following week, and Mr. Barnholdt and Mr. Hollenbeck took me in their office, and they talked to me, and they gave me permission to be on campus Now, check this out, to be on campus and to go into the classrooms, and to be outside of the classrooms on the mall area and I could talk to people about Jesus Christ because they knew me from before. In the heart of Los Angeles, Raul grew up in a family that suffered much turmoil due to alcoholism, which resulted in verbal and physical abuse. By all appearances, he had everything he wanted, including a wife and children. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. And as I got up from my knees and wiped off my tears, and I took out all the rounds, put away my gun, and I got in my car, and I went looking for my wife because I wanted to tell her what happened to me. Heaven will be diverse. Raul had grown up with an abusive, alcoholic father who taught him to handle problems with violence. I was so bitter at him at the age of 10. Uh, that night, my mother woke us up early in the morning, about 4:00 in the morning, and told us to get dressed. Forgiving him has been very difficult to me, what should l do? Raul Ries is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Golden Springs in Diamond Bar, Calif., and President of Somebody Loves You Ministries. But the thing is, I cant imagine not doing [this]. All this took place just weeks before a scheduled trip to Vietnam, returning for the first time since the war. Keep It Simple Talk Show 1M ago He is the author of several books including Fury to Freedom (translated in to six languages), Seven Steps to a Successful Marriage and Raising a Godly Family in an Ungodly World. After his experience with flashbacks, his compassion grew and he has been compelled to minister more to the men and women serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world, along with their families. That I figure maybe I got 10-15 years left, if the Lord tares, or maybe more, depending whatever He has, that if I dont give my life completely to Him now and we dont go for it completely, then whats gonna happen to the world? Raul abused his wife and hated his father. I got me the biggest one I could with a leather thing, and I put it on. I dont care what youve done, God forgives us. I just, by faith, prayed a prayer, and I felt a complete change in my life. And so, she actually worked out his papers, and, and, and got it all set up. See Photos. Thats how my ministry started. Raul has not experienced a flashback since that fateful time in 2007, but his ministry has been enhanced by this experience. They called the police. Raul: Yeah, because Id fire my rifle all the time over my right ear; but also there were the F-16 jets that used to come by and drop bombs. Jim: Wow. Please click here to learn how. With this death, we are witnessing the rise in crime, juvenile delinquency, drugs, sexual immorality, gang violence and more. Raul then surrendered his troubled life to Jesus Christ right in front of the TV set. Lets return now to more from Raul Ries. We as Christians have to stay in the word and continue to ask God to help us have victory in those areas where the devil used to rule. Walking Righteously. And then, Gladstone High School opened up, Azusa high school opened up, uh, Charter Oak High School opened up, Glendora High School opened up, and I was doing seven high school a week, just going on the streets. We went and sold 12 acres for $15 million. Ive started praying for Pastor Ries. Here's the bottom line.I've said from Day 1 that the problem was Don McClure.this is just some supporting evidence. His name stood for fear, for fighting, and for fury. Ilike discipline. To his high-school friends he was a violent, dangerous combatant. Raul has not experienced a flashback since that fateful time in 2007, but his ministry has been enhanced by this experience. And they had little ones, and middle me- medium sized ones, and then they had these big sharks, you know? His name stood for fear, for fighting, and for fury. The true story of Raul Ries. Theres hardly a place on the map that you havent affected and all youve done has just everyday been faithful. So, a couple of weeks went by, a couple of months went by, and I stood there faithfully every day, and then all of a sudden, and the Lord began to open the doors as kids begin to come and talk to me, and I talked to them. In the church we have people who do not want to offend but we sometimes need to offend the world with the Word.". In this broadcast, Pastor Raul share his fascinating story about the amazing grace of God and its power to transform even the most hardened hearts. Don: Well, what are some parting thoughts to some young person? As a Vietnam Marine veteran, Ries has always had a heart for the military and their families. February 26. To his high-school friends he was a violent, dangerous combatant. Don: Yes, and here, you and Sharon, theres no slowing down in either one of you. And every time, I mean, that I I remember, you know, the opportunities that God gave me. Pastor Don has been serving in the Calvary Chapel movement since 1971 . If youre willing to do that, He will lead you to that. Find your friends on Facebook. And I knocked on the door, I said, Sharon, open the door. Login or Sign-up to show all important data, death records and obituaries absolutely for free! Raul served in Vietnam between 1966-1968, earning two Purple Hearts during his tour of duty. Youre not going to commit to all the things that you have committed to through your life, and even to the new steps of faith. That could have been the end of his ministry, but his family, the church and Pastor Chuck Smith prayed for him. And youve done that. In the final of the three-part interview between pastors Don McClure and Raul Ries, Raul discusses faithfulness and discipline in ministry, as well as his familys health struggles throughout. https://www.facebook.com/raulries/videos/1607028755976855/, Related: Pastor Raul Ries Christian testimony, Praying, He has encouraged me so many times. The Holy Spirit fell on that school so heavily that, all of a sudden, as I looked out, there were about three to five to 600 kids sitting on the grass, listening. That was, that was my life. Raul Ries is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Golden Springs in Diamond Bar, Calif., and President of Somebody Loves You Ministries. God bless you and keep you. He took a .22 caliber rifle out of the closet and loaded it. God Almighty would miraculously deliver the Hebrews from Egypt and lead them into the Promised Land. Related Programs Browse All Programs. Its, uh, like a bow was being pulled back and the arrows were letting go, and they were stabbing me in the heart. In Vietnam, he was a top-notch fighting Marine, yet a danger to his own commanding officer. We need to turn back to God and realize that raising godly children starts with becoming godly parents. In 1974 he began a home Bible study with seven other committed individuals. Heres Raul Ries, and as you can probably tell, this is not going to be appropriate for younger listeners. may you have joy, peace, long suffering, happiness, and steadfastness to sail straight through the eye of the storm. I happened across this on TV and saw the last 20 minutes. Click to read Part 1, which describes the beginning of Pastor Rauls ministry and the founding of his two churches; and, Part 2, where Pastor Raul shares the beginning of CC Golden Springs South American outreach and explains some of the challenges of serving God in ministry. Of course, there are costs involved in getting our broadcast on the air every day and in getting our resources into peoples hands. So fast. Ries said at the National Religious Broadcasters convention that as an unbeliever he hated everything: the world, his life and even his wife and children. The Woman's Study Bible poignantly reveals the Word of God to women, inviting them to receive God's truth for balance, hope, and transformation. 800-232-6459. You will be healed in the Mighty NAME of YEHOVAH and HIS son Yehosuha. At lunchtime, I would sit out on the grass area, and all these kids would look at me with my fish and my Bible, and they hated me. I cant retire, he exclaimed. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. And I remember how happy I was because, man, now I, were rid of my dad. About a week later, the Lord call me, and I mean, I, I didnt hear His voice, but I had, like I was sitting there, reading my Bible and praying, and I had, like, a vision. After his miraculous conversion in 1971, Raul began to read and study the Bible extensively even though he had a limited education. And so, I, I knocked again, and I, and I said, uh, ah, Sharon, honest. It has to do with getting up and discipling yourself and putting yourself through things because theres something that you want. Love hearing his sweet voice on the radio. Raul's wife had been subjected to verbal and physical abuse prior to his conversion to Christianity. We got dressed and we went to the international airport in Mexico, and in 1957, they had those single engine planes. or. Raul: And um, I remember sitting outside while he would go inside and drink for three, four, five hours, sitting outside in a little newsstand, waiting for him to come out as he would leave me there with these, with these people to wait for him to come out. Each one was a new journey, a new step of faith which required discipline. Raul Riesco. There were little Bibles, big Bibles, you know, huge Bibles. Well, every time it would come to my problems, I would become so violent and start beating up on everybody, theyd take me away and you know put me away, and I, and they, just couldnt talk. Uh, what an amazing testimony of how the Lord can change a person. Focus on the Family's staff of licensed, professional counselors can help you bring healing and restoration to your family with Christian perspectives you can trust. His plan was to execute his wife and kids, then engage in a shootout with the police when they showed up. The Christian Ministry PT. Lord Jesus, in Mark 10:46-52 we are told of the story of blind Bartimaeus son of Timaeus, sitting by the side of the road, and upon hearing of Your approach, he began to call out to You without giving up and in spite of others telling him to be quiet, however, his persistence in being healed gave him the courage and faith trust in You for his healing, for You are the great physician. His name stood for fear, for fighting, and for fury. Don: Amen. Learn more about Raul at his website, raulries.com. Please keep me in your prayers, he asked. On that Easter Sunday, he flew into a rage and destroyed everything in the house. to devastating tragedy, Keith saw God's power turn his family's story into a powerful ministry. The best-selling book in history remains one of the most controversial. Just last month Ive had five of them. A collection of geographic papers written as a Festschrift to honour Professor Hector F. Rucinque, from Bogota, Colombia, on the occasion of his 90 birthday. But I mean, there were times that we left people laying there, and we thought they were dead. Whats gonna happen to our loved ones and our friends if were not sold out to Jesus Christ? If you don't have one, this booklet can show you how to find your place in God's eternal family. Raul Ries: I just, by faith, prayed a prayer, and I felt a complete change in my life. And so, by the time I was a senior, I already had been in and out of jail, but never once booked, by the grace of God, because we knew the cops, and the cops used to let us go. God has had His hand upon her; shes telling me no matter how much cancer she has, no matter whats going on, shesgonna go out and shes gonna do it for the Lord, and thats what shes done. Just as home brings a sense of belonging, rest, and security, so does a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. (Pastor Raul Ries) This church was the 1st place I called my home church and I got saved here. Raul: I mean, for me to just stay home and watch TV, theres no possible way. Took about nine months. Ill die doing ministry. Photo by Steve Shambeck. 1,650 following. Hope youll give us another try and check out some other articles. Go back to Baldwin Park High School. I go, Oh, Lord. Raul Rieses testimony is proof that Christian media can make a tremendous difference in a persons life! Martin Luther's Disciple February 3, 2015 at 7:16 pm When you get to 8,youre a master in Kung Fu. Popular Christian vocalist Larnelle Harris reflects on his five-decade music career, sharing the valuable life lessons hes learned about putting his family first, allowing God to redeem a troubled past, recognizing those whove sacrificed for his benefit, and faithfully adhering to biblical principles amidst all the opportunities that have come his way. A choice between prison or the military. You know, it took eight hours to get from Mexico City to L.A. Today, it takes three and a half hours. Your identity is not given by man but God. It may be the worst 20 minutes of TV I've ever seen. You are my favorite rabbi I would be honored to pray for the Holy Spirit to be sent to surround you, fill you with his power of healing and for Jesus to put his divine hand upon you. His life was completely transformed, his marriage restored and he was empowered by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, to others. Ask God to reveal that to you and put your trust in Him. His syndicated radio program, Somebody Loves You, is heard on 350 stations nationwide. Visit Calvary Chapel Golden Springs; and, Calvary Chapel Association. Dont waste anymore of your days or your years in the Lord. And so, I went home totally bummed out, man, thinking, Oh, man. Want to help your child build lasting, meaningful friendships? Well, I did. Pastor Ries testimony is living proof that Christian media can make a big difference in a persons life, their eternal life. On Easter Sunday in 1972, Raul Ries waited for his family to come home so he could kill them. He and his wife, Sharon, thought their time in ministry was over. Get rooted. Tweet. Blessed in the Ministry: Interview by Don McClure with Pastor Raul RiesPart 3. Consider uploading your photo of Raul C Ries so that your pictures are included in Raul C Ries's genealogy, family trees & family history records. Whats gonna happen? I dont like you, and uh, I, I said, All I wanna do is I wanna get out of this place.And he says, Well, I dont think thats possible. I said, I said, If you dont make it possible, I said, Im gonna kill you right now. And so, he got a piece of paper, started writing all kinds of stuff down, you know? And finally, it came back in September 15, 1967. He had a problem with drinking, big time drinking. And I was, uh, listening a minute, I, I, I, and I said to I wanted to shoot him, you know, with my gun, and I couldnt pull the trigger. Listen to Somebody Loves You on Amazon Echo and Google Home, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. may your house be blessed with peace, #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", serif; } And when she was gonna leave me, I decided that nobody would ever have her, and I would, I would chase for my kids, and the best way to do that is to execute her and my kids and kill myself as the police would come, Id just shoot it out with the police, that would be the end of everything. In civilian life, Ries became successful in his Kung Fu studio, as a first generation student of Grand Master Jimmy H. Wo. I was an, an athlete, and played baseball, and doing very well in baseball. I just dont know how. */. (Check our website for details.). Well, then you had to move to the theater. Don: Sometimes I see people that I think do really well in ministry, and often times theyre people that have also learned discipline in their life, whether its Kung Fu or something else. Ill never forget that date, when they called me in, they said, Hey, your discharge is back, and its an honorable discharge by the convenience of the government. I said, Wow.. He wants your life completely. "So many people today compromise the gospel of Jesus Christ. After his experience with flashbacks, his compassion grew and he has been compelled to minister more to the men and women serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world, along with their families. To his high-school friends he was a violent, dangerous combatant. Scribd es red social de lectura y publicacin ms importante del mundo. Raul:Eight. So, one night, when my father came home totally passed out drunk. Sysoon enables anyone to create a free online tribute for a much . Ryan Ries is living proof of this truth. Raul received two Purple Heart awards in Vietnam. At the Wednesday evening service, Ries knew something was wrong physically but what lay ahead was completely unexpected. Guests Raul Ries Somebody Loves You with Raul Ries. At first, Joseph's family were welcomed into the land of Egypt, but when Joseph died, and a new Pharaoh arose, he made them slaves. His Tour of Duty in Vietnam was from December 8, 1966 to September 15, 1967. Raul shares the Gospel at a Kung Fu demonstration with Bjorn Ries, his grandson. Raul: By faith God provided, and you know, Ive never been fearful of that. Raul Ries He was raised in Mexico City by an abusive, alcoholic father and a mother originally from New York. And you can get a CD of this program for a gift of any amount when you call 800, the letter A, and the word FAMILY. I cant speak,and I cant read, so Ive had to bear with that, and God has pulled me through. (laughs) And so, what happened is that, on my senior year, when I was down in West Covina, I got in a, in a brawl with, um, this guy that, uh, was doing something, you know, with one of my girlfriends, and I went and got all my friends, and we came to the party, and I mean, we ripped the party. Raul: And I got out, and I went out, and went and saw my wife, and told her that I was out of the Marine Corps. It was not too cool to cry when youre hardened. And then, what she did is she put the latch on the door, and she opened the door, and she says, What do you want? I said, uh, I said, Im born again. The police told me if I come back again, theyre gonna put me in jail. Go back to Baldwin Park High School. Okay. I dont even know what it was, but I saw myself awake and half asleep, and I saw my old high school, and I saw my principal, and my vice principal, and I saw all these hundreds of kids. Don: Yeah, but boy, those years of where you found yourself thinking, Where, Lord, am I going to get the money for the next month? But I remember the going to the airport, and getting on this plane, and leaving Mexico City at the age of 10 years old, and coming to America, and being in America. As a Vietnam Marine veteran, Ries has always had a heart for the military and their families. And uh, again, he, he began to drink, and begin again to abuse my mom. Known, now, as a compassionate pastor with a tender mission, Raul Ries was once known as a violent, dangerous combatant. The case status is Not Classified By Court. Begin enjoying communion with Christ and experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit today. They would shake your whole brain and shake your ears. Don: We really want this to be something that challenges people when they read this. Raul:Every month we met the payment. Well, have a great weekend, uh, with your family and your church family as well, and be sure to join us on Monday when Carol Kuykendall offers some hope and encouragement along with personal stories for launching your teens into adulthood. When you believe in Jesus, you become a son/daughter of God with authority and rights in His kingdom. After all, there is no power in the Christians life apart from purity and purity is not possible apart from surrender. And um, I wasnt afraid to kill now. 25:52. A religious liberty newsletter that is a must-read for people of faith. We know Lord that You allow this particular time for this sickness to manifest in his life for a reason, for his good,to further humble and prove him; O Lord, create in Him a true sorrow for all of his past sins with a revived true faith in You, and a sincere resolution of amendments that are yet to be revealed. And this went on for, for the four years of high school. Jesus came to give you an abundant and eternal life.. Youve put a lot of young people through your schools here in America and down in South America. Pastor Raul Ries, the enormously impactful Calvary Chapel pastor who overcame a violent and abusive background to lead a thriving church in Southern California, released a Facebook video requesting prayer for a serious long-term illness. Revered by Christians as God's holy Word, the Bible spans centuries of history, contains a variety of literary styles and culminates in the person of Jesus Christ. thank you for your teachings and your amazing example of Gods restoration and love and mercy and Grace. Forgive those that hurt you and put them in the hands of God. And I kept saying, Man, why dont you shut up. His name stood for fear, for fighting, and for fury. The Bible says that the Thief (Satan) has come to kill, steal and destroy, but I (JESUS ) have come that you have life, and that more abundantly. There's no place like home, right? Structural Info Filmography Source IMDB He and his wife, Sharon, thought their time in ministry was over. Raul abused his wife and hated his father. Now more than three decades later, Ries pastors a congregation of more than 14,000 people and can be heard internationally on more than 350 radio stations. After much prayer, he felt the Holy Spirit heal him, and his ministry has been enhanced by this experience. Apparently, he has struggled with the undisclosed illness for nine years, which often results in seizures and is very debilitating. And so, they gave me, uh, time to get married, and uh, I was still in the Marines, and um, my discharge hadnt come back yet. I played sports. John: You can call us or stop by our website. Medium sized ones, and God has pulled me through study the Bible extensively though... To execute his wife, Sharon, open the door watch TV, theres no possible way apart! The rise in crime, juvenile delinquency, drugs, sexual immorality gang. 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