cheap meals from the great depression

So, I still eat a lot like I did growing up, but less now because I cant raise anything, and cant afford much. It does cost some, but the last one we still got almost 500 pounds of meat and soup bones for about a dollar less a pound than ground beef. You can add meat, or not. When my 22-yr-old granddaughter was little she loved mayonnaise sandwiches (she called them ham-maise sandwiches). Also, you can use half ground chicken or turkey with hamburger meat in foods that call for somehamburger. We raised hogs for meat. 23. Excellent article. 48. This is great if youre not buying from Zaycon Foods, of course! Learn to eat what you grow. Save this grease for cooking later. Hope this helps! We also had a milk cow for milk, buttermilk, and fresh butter that we churned for hours, but was the best tasting butter I have ever eaten. Next serve a small portion of meat, not the large ones we have grown accustomed to. During the Great Depression, people used everything they had to make a cheap and filling meal, such as the Hoover Stew. I still make a lot of beans because they are high in fiber and protein and depending on how you make them, low in fat. Mix to form a batter. Here is a recipe from Cheap Cooking. 18. Milk, cream, or half and half. People made comments that they are eating many of those meals today. Also, I drink lactose-free milk. My sweeties standby recipe he calls goulash just elbow macaroni, seasoned hamburger, onion, and tomatoes. My Mom and Dad grew up during The Great Depression. I felt my health was the very best when I ate only vegetables. Then, slowly whisk in 1 cups of milk until the mixture begins to thicken and boil. We bought a commercial quality food sealer and use it daily to seal up leftovers, both for freezing and just for in the fridge, to cut down on waste (and its REALLY worked well). You can make this without the chorizo to save money. 3 tbsp of corn starch. 1930's Potato Soup and Biscuits from Everyday Foodie. THREE meals out of ONE chicken! Now the key to getting the most for your money is to look for deals at auction or someone selling of whole flocks or cull from herds of smaller livestock. Frankly, I never was able to eat those- the spam and bologna and homemade bread sure but the rest have never appealed to me. We all except one sister, all ended up being diabetic. During the depression, my elders on both sides made oxtail soup because it was the cheapest part of the cow. Eat a lot of casseroles because it doesnt require as much meat. First of all, I am going to share some meals my husband and I grew up on and some we still eat today. I never liked them, but my family did. Corned beef luncheon salad was made by combining a can of corned beef, a can of corn, and a can of peas. If I go to my grocery store before noon they put all the products in a cart that is ready to expire. I didnt read the other post, but planning for leftovers is a huge $ saver. When I was going thru hard times I did a lot of beans and rice different ways rice cooked in beans rice underneath beans with spices beans with tomatoes. 50% off yogurt makes nice frozen treats that we would not have otherwise. I also do a lot of my shopping at Aldi or the Amish bents and broken store. Back in the day, there were no food stamps or EBT cards. I pay $25 in feed a month, which gives us on average 250 eggs a month. We raised chickens for eggs and meat. Okay, lets see I do peel some veggies, but I use those peels to make my broth taste better (ie broth is made of carcass and onion skins and potato skins and carrot skins, etc, giving it a HUGE nutritional punch). You can use it to replace butter or oil in many recipes. I make my own bread (usually making two loaves at a time freezing the 2nd). Acquiring these are still super frugal! 62. Now lets save some money! Lots of eggs either fried or scrambled and Dad made CORN pancakes which I HATED- he would make the pancake batter drain a can of corn and add it. Doesnt have to be fancy and expensive. It saves a lot of money when Im not buying prepackaged food. Poor Man Chicken Broccoli Casserole. Meatballs (ground meat, bread crumbs, egg, ground up veggies, leftover cheerios or other low sugar cereal I use 1 part meat, 1 part bread type stuff, 1 part vegetables. A side salad and some saltines. We buy food at a scratch and dent store. Eggs and milk (hormone free) are less. 1 large yellow onion, chopped. Weeding and bug picking were my first jobs. Im diabetic, so I cant fill up my meals with lots of rice or pasta. These dishes show just how inventive our ancestors could be! I always thought it had to be a large chain to price match but it doesnt! However!!! Im grateful that we have an Aldi USAin our area. Add cheese, apple, hard boiled egg for a more filling salad. Waste nothing. 15. Tomato sandwiches (I never knew this was a depression meal), Biscuits and gravy (sometimes we had sausage in it), Pancakes rolled with butter and sugar inside, Norwegian lefse-my recipe is at the bottom. I picked up 4 loaves and froze them. And as mentioned by many, learning to use everything up along with proper storage and preserving methods helps. Its all about cooking at home and eating fewer carbs or like you said balance them with proteins. I take advantage of the Meijer, buy 10 get the 11th one free offers PASTA!!! Linda, Hi Tiffany, thank you! We keep 40 to 50 hens all the time and have eggs aplenty year around. Learn to prepare what you grow. It is a complete meal and easy cleanup. My Grandmothers died when I was 15 and the other at 16 so I never got to ask them about the depression. Those who dont have the cash up front to fund the operation, or have the land to do so, can put in work hours to cover your share of the $. We actually ate a lot of beans when I was a kid because they were cheap. We eat baked potatoes at least twice a week and have several go-to cheap filling meals. Its really good, especially with a little shredded cheese thrown in! These soups and stews are perfect for when you're craving a comforting bowl of deliciousness. When we butcher goats hogs etc. To that, add about 8 ounces of dried beef (i.e. Processing meat is really not that hard to do. Porridge for breakfast oats go a long way! Back in the Great Depression, you would often find this pie made with a crushed cracker crust. Ida's Depression Goulash - Goulash is one of those foods that you can make a big pot and feed a LOT. Garbage Plate. Walmart sells a package of 5 for $4 and they are really good! It saves a lot of money when Im not buying prepackaged food. We also raise chickens, free eggs. Hi Diana, isnt it wonderful how we remember what our parents did to save money? It doesnt have to be that youre eating the exact same meal (e.g. It's a food that stretches for sure. Potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, onion, and cumin to flavorthem. You can have a cup of soup, or soup for a group quickly. Peanut/almond butter and jelly on toasted Daves Killer Blue Seed Bread makes an awesome lunch! I work in Wyoming once in a while where there arent many and I can find them for $3 /lb. My mom made it a lot, so I know it's going to be delicious. Grace Mannon Updated: Feb. 21, 2023. We bought a commercial quality food sealer and use it daily to seal up leftovers, both for freezing and just for in the fridge, to cut down on waste (and its REALLY worked well). 41. No money for luxuries. 70. We ate most of 1 tonight, the leftovers & the some of the other Steak will be made into beef stroganoff tomorrow, the rest will be frozen (in broth) for later use. Shape and fry up). I add wheat berries (homemade) to my spaghetti sauce and then cut the meat in 1/2 and no one notices. And today was spent gathering groceries and supplies for my waterline expansion. Invite the family over. 29. I use chicken leg quarters in foil packs with potatoes, carrots onions,and fresh green beans. 1.5 Great Depression Foods - Prune Pudding. 1 Corned Beef Luncheon Salad. Then I dont go back to the store and get caught in oh this is a good deal. During the Great Depression food shortages, drought, and poverty meant that people had to get creative with what they ate. I will be 70 soon and I still make bread, life is so good when you cook from scratch! Next week Ill bake cookies. I add wheat berries (homemade) to my spaghetti sauce and then cut the meat in 1/2 and no one notices. From hearty stews to creamy soups, there's something . Potatoes were a staple ingredient during the Depression because they were cheap, and you could grow them yourself. It is appreciated. White Bean and Ham Soup - Beans are super cheap so it makes sense that they were a staple during the Great Depression. Little greens, a slice of cucumber, few chopped onions, a small grape tomato, and a few carrot curls. You are so right about a chair in the kitchen beats one on the porch! The savings are HUGE! Bean soups were a staple of Depression Era recipes, as beans are a cheaper protein than meat, and you can toss whatever leftovers you have on hand into the pot. At that time, cooks measured ingredients in pinches, dashes and dibs. I buy 1/2 cow and a 1/2 pig from a local farmer the freezer was worth the investment yes its expensive up front but does the math its cheaper the long run and its local fresh and so much cheaper than the store in the long run. 2 cups of boiling milk. Its amazing how much can be saved by shopping the sales and freezing items. Carrots are the same. A fun and cheap meal are diced potatoes topped with onions, garlic, bacon bits, and cheese! Make EVERY meal count. Various kinds of nuts and berries were often foraged for the help feed the family. 27. Soups, stews, and chili are cheap, healthy and belly-filling. 65. I would rather eat at home and not drive in and sit at a table and wait for a meal. Can top with cheese. This could be served with a small roll or a half of slice of bread. 3. We had a large family of 10 people, so each meal had to be extremely cheap, and go a long way. She could get hot dogs and slice them up and add garlic, tomato sauce,and water and make the most awesome casserole ever. Twice a year we go to an Amish bulk supply store and buy the basics. Hope this helps! We had to stretch every penny to feed our families. Get clearance on pumpkins or neighbors pumpkins and make bread from them then freeze it. Learn to preserve what you grow. Linda, it has been great reading this post. 7. My family hasnt noticed. 31. You will notice that you begin to have extra money. My wife and I continue to enjoy this dish today . I just watched Food Inc. on Netflix. H.D. 85. Carbs in moderation are doable and soaking potatoes in a bowl of water (In the fridge for long periods) helps eliminate much of the starch. When butter is on sale, I buy a case of it, then make ghee and can it. But, I know that I was taught a lot of frugal things and how to work HARD, and be an ANT, not a GRASSHOPPER! Also trying to get him over his meat-eating mentality. Linda, Hi Alli, its all about saving money on groceries, right??? However, they had still had access to meats most of us would now consider offal. I got 10 apples in one bag the other day and only had to cut off a tiny bit of bruising. I have got to go check out that website on meatless recipes! Tastes ever so good as leftovers too. We also add beans or lentils to taco meat, eat lentil soup (lately with brown rice thrown in to make a complete protein), and rely on popcorn and bananas for snacks also lots of carrots! For us, that means buying beef by the 1/4 or 1/2, ordering from Zaycon Foods, using Bountiful Baskets-Co-op,grinding our own grains, and making yogurt when I remember to, and then remembering to freeze or eat leftovers so we arent throwing food away. We dont eat a lot of meat we eat 3 eggs a day, we have our own chickens. Shape and fry up). Bag of beans, rice, onions, tomatoes, sausage. Baked bean sandwich. I can get 10 lbs of potatoes for $2-3 at Aldi. Salad can be made night Your family will think they are living large and you will cut your grocery money down. Goulash: Jen L. suggested a pound of pasta, 1 pound of ground beef ( or ground meat of any kind), and a can of tomatoes or sauce. 34 Recipes That Got Us Through the Great Depression. It never gets old, does it? Chile over baked potatoes is a favorite and the meat isnt missed. So I would include lots of fresh veggies and salads. 16. Lets face it those big servings of meat were never good for us anyway. Popcorn, Corn tortillas fried for corn chips. 35. I try to make from scratch all our snack foods like crackers, granola bars, granola, fruit leather(when I find a great deal on fruit), bagels, bread, yogurt, etc. These Depression-era recipes are proof that food from the 1930s is worth revisiting. You almost need to take out a loan to buy meat for a family of 5 anymore. Carb heavy foods need to be balanced with proteins or greens and for some of us, they should be consumed less than the other foods. I also found a different bread recipe that used fewer ingredients so we could have bread. Today I went to Sams with a friend & picked up some good deals on meat. 12. Freeze for later use fry up when needed. You can make a white sauce with water (to save on milk), once you have a white sauce you can add any seasonings to add flavor and then add something like chipped beef, chopped leftover bacon from breakfast, canned chicken, leftover roast or just the sauce over rice. Again, I make my WalMart run and freeze the milk. We dont eat a lot of meat we eat 3 eggs a day, we have our own chickens. Add your frozen mixed veggies and some bean for protein and you have a big pot of soup for $3-4. I remember my mom making salmon cakes. Feeding 5 here. Ive even made some of them into shelf stable mixes! So before she goes grocery shopping, she spends about 20 minutes online and writes down advertised sale prices on items she needs. Buying cheap and using coupons. 4 or 5 smoked ham hocks. They do meatless recipes. Linda, Wendy, I love cheese so this will be added next time to my goulash for sure!! Hoosier Cream Pie. My mom raised us on very little money. Serve the finished product over toast. Could you please give any information you have on this photo that you used? Potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, onion, and cumin to flavorthem. Butter. If you have the time and want to really make your family feel special you could make a little jello and top it off with a small teaspoon of cool whip. flipped into Bottles of Happiness. Great ideas. The flavors of this cake are buttery and sweet with vanilla flavor. Ive learned how to cook. They continued to cook and eat many of the meals that they ate during that time throughout their lives. Hoover Stew from Time Traveler's Kitchen. Its interesting because we were raised this way, its the norm to cook from scratch. Dr. Battaglino says one of the best foods for mental health is fatty fish, like salmon, sardines, and tuna. Theres a lot of Hispanic people in my area do the price for oxtail is outrageous. We buy wheat berries rather than flour and grind our own. Favorite flavors were cherry, grape, lemonade, and tropical punch. Chicken leg quarters are a good way to have meat at a reasonable price. Thank you for stopping by! In this video, 91-year-old Clara who lived through the Depressionwalks viewers through the process of making the Poor Man's Meal: Peel and cube a potato, then fry it in a pan with oil and . 1 lbs of dry pinto beans. 16. I did more casseroles and found a cream of chicken substitute I had all the ingredients for. I make chicken soup, tacos, and rice with it. We raised 2 huge gardens every year. Cream of Potato Soup is a recipe from the Great Depression era that we all still enjoy very much today. An amazing meal for about $5 with plenty of leftovers for the next day. I did a little the other day. Old, injured or male birds are dinner. During the depression, my elders on both sides made oxtail soup because it was the cheapest part of the cow. They took a small amount of the meat they were serving for supper and made a nice soup. It made sandwiches for my husbands lunch all week, then I made broth and turned that into noodle soup. Lasts a long time and feeds many. Fried rice (leftover rice cooked in bacon drippings with whatever veggies need using up). What do you think? Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. I buy most meats marked down. I dont need recipes. 2 cups of boiling water. My mom raised us on very little money. When we make tacos we add a few eggs to the ground meat and you honestly cant tell the difference, then just cook them into the already cooked ground meat and season to taste, it changes the texture a tiny bit but after you add rice and beans to your tacos/burritos, you cant tell anymore at all, this really stretches a meal!. Another great (old) book if you can find it is How to Make All The Meat You Eat Out of Wheat by Shandler (my favorite). Have you ever seen that fog that rolls down and out when you open the door? 5. 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cheap meals from the great depression